You are NOT Running Out of Content to Watch

Binged the final season? It’s not the end.

Layered Language
4 min readSep 12, 2020
Photo by Josh Kahen on Unsplash

The screen turns to black, the final credits roll. You wipe a tear away from your face as you head to the bathroom. Standing there, looking deep in thought, you ask yourself the question; what do I do now?

Scenarios like this are happening across the globe and at a higher rate thanks to the added lockdown time.

Netflix has promised that you won’t run out of content, but too many of us struggle to scroll through the pages to find something worth watching.

So, what does one do when the show ends? How do we fill the void of lost characters and plotlines that have come to a resolution?

Most of the time, we scroll through for hours, watching the previews of each of the shows before choosing one that piques our interest. Five minutes later we’re back to the scrolling, with another show, possibly one we’ve already seen before, but we are not too sure. We watch it for prosperity. That show ends and so on…

Have you tried Foreign Cinema?

Aghh… I know. It’s so much effort: the subtitles, the language, the obscure shots. Watching movies is meant to be enjoyable, not a chore, right?

Viewing international films does not need to be so tiring. Many great flicks require little or no mental strain to be enjoyed.

  • The Intouchables (French cinema) comedy/drama
  • Parasite (Korean cinema) thriller/comedy
  • Pan’s Labyrinth (Spanish cinema) fantasy/war

These are just a few examples of films that have claimed international success, not because of the country of origin, but rather the film itself.

While the examples above are movies, there are countless foreign TV series on Netflix that provide hours of entertainment.

However, there are many benefits to watching international films. In one of my previous articles, I reviewed and researched certain elements that foreign cinema portrays.

Create a plan.

Instead of binge-watching your favourite show endlessly for the next three days, why not set a viewing plan?

Make the conscious effort to wait until Friday night rolls around to watch the next instalment of your show. That way you have something to look forward to, you won’t run out of episodes quickly, and you’re rewarded for working hard.

I personally cannot wait between episodes, mainly if the show is fantastic. Often, I’ll stay up all night binge-watching a show or throughout an entire day (thanks lockdown).

While this is a great way to keep the story going, and the producers of the show happy, it doesn’t allow for a lot of time to discuss or process the content you watch.

Back in the day when live TV was a thing, and streaming was a term we had no conception about, you would have to wait a week to find out what happens to the characters. In that week, you would discuss with friends and read up on predictions online.

Now with 24/7 internet access, we as content viewers, have lost patience. The anticipation and excitement no longer exists between episodes as the information and knowledge is right out our fingertips.

Why wait when you can have something instantaneously?

Give yourself a plan to watch only a few episodes a week and save the finale of the show until a Friday night. Get together with a group of friends and enjoy the action or laughs together.

The bonus is you won’t run out of conversation as you’ll be able to talk about what you’ve seen, together.

You might not know, but there are things called books.

Change it up a bit.

Activate and stimulate your brain in another way by reading stories. You could easily finish a couple of chapters of a book at the same time it takes to watch one episode of Game of Thrones.

The simple past-time of curling up with a good book and a cup of tea not only creates a relaxing atmosphere but can benefit readers in other ways.

An article in Healthline explores numerous reasons as to why reading is an important activity. These include;

  • Building your ability to empathise.
  • Increasing your knowledge of vocabulary.
  • Reducing stress and more…

Reading books boosts imagination. They introduce us to foreign lands that we can spend hours exploring. The process of creating fictitious stories is not something we can do from watching the third season of Suits.

Closing Credits

We are all saddened at the end of our favourite series. However, there are actions we can take to ensure that our show lasts a little longer or have our grief lessened.

  • Watch more Foreign Cinema, you’ll be delighted at some of the amazing films France and Sweden produce.
  • Break your viewing up with plans. Create a reward for waiting a week to enjoy the content more frugally.
  • Read more books. Particularly in the same genre or even the same show. You might gain a different perspective.

Take the time to reconnect with yourself after the season ends. You’ll be surprised at what your imagination can do for you.



Layered Language

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